Advanced Technology in Mechanical Engineering

The Uber Advanced Technology Center is the Pittsburgh division of the elite Uber Engineering Team; a high-performance culture marked by fearlessness and hyper-productivity. We focus on the development of key long-term technologies that advance Uber’s mission of bringing safe, reliable transportation to everyone, everywhere. Our research is primarily in the areas of mapping, vehicle safety, and autonomy. Our team is comprised of world-renowned researchers with decades of experience and we’re looking for superstar engineers who can work harder, faster, and smarter without sacrificing technical excellence.

As an Uber ATC team member, you'll have a direct impact on the innovation of cutting edge technologies. The work you will do will be tested and deployed on real systems, in real-world conditions. The experience you will gain will be unique and unmatched. Do you dream about improving transit on a global scale using your passion for science and engineering? Then you should apply to join our team. We are ambitious, engaged and excited about transforming the transportation industry across the world. We are moving real assets and real people. Our research will make this process safer and more efficient now and in the decades to come.

Do you enjoy technology? Are you an independent problem solver with a high level of technical curiosity? Are you willing to put in lots of good ideas to help bring new technologies from prototype to production? UATC is hiring highly skilled mechanical engineers who have great attention to detail, are experts solving problems, have a deep passion for cars, and will maintain a calm professional attitude under all situations. Travel to various locations will be required.

UATC is seeking mechanical engineers with the following attributes:

  • proficient with SolidWorks
  • deep understanding of mechanisms
  • ability to handle multiple design challenges simultaneously
  • must understand the sweet spot between going really fast and doing rigorous engineering
  • fearless decision making skills
  • comfortable with both laptop and a wrench
  • knowledgeable of modern automotive electronics and diagnostic procedures
  • capable of working independently and overcoming challenges without supervision
  • proficient in communicating with other engineers, technicians, and executives
  • true love of cars is required
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can i study automotive engineering after completion advanced diploma in mechanical engineering or not ? | Yahoo Answers

Of course you can. But if you already have an advance diploma in mechanical engineering you will be able to use applied knowledge for most things. Automotive engineering is all about common sense i have been in automotive engineering for over 10 years and trust me it just gets easier and easier.

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